mardi 17 avril 2007

groovy and ODI

You like Groovy ?
you like Oracle Data Integrator ?

How about using both ?

Let's say you installed ODI in C:\Program Files\ODI\
In oracledi\lib you will find the file

Extract the file org\apache\bsf\ from the zip.
Add the following line :

groovy = org.codehaus.groovy.bsf.GroovyEngine, groovy|gy

Then, put the file back in the zip, replacing the existing file.

Next, copy groovy-1.0.jar, antlr-2.7.5.jar, asm-2.2.jar and commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
This was the version I had on my machine, others may fit.
I have downloaded mine through the groovy zip distribution.

The last step needs you to launch Topology.
All you have to do is create a technology with 2 parameters:
- the code must be GROOVY (uppercase)
- the technology type is set to 'Bean Scripting Framework'

As you see, you have to write the same word as in in uppercase.

Now you're done, you are able to use Groovy as a script language.

To test this, launch a designer from a shell, using the command :

designer.bat --CONSOLE

Create a project.
Insert a procedure.
Insert a new command in the details, use 'groovy' technology created in topology.
Use a simple groovy command like :

print 'groovy is working !'

If you execute this procedure, you will see a nice 'groovy is working !' message in your shell.

That's all folks !

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